Thursday, February 12, 2015


I'm happy to announce that as of February, 2015, the Freedom Park Bird and Butterfly Garden will have some new coordinators.  My good friends and nature lovers, Pandra Williams, Jeff Killingsworth, Lauren Sandoval and Beech Hollow Farms  will be adopting the Garden via Park Pride.

(Photo:  Lauren, far left, Carol, front, left, Jeff, center, Pandra, second from right.)

All three have had a long term commitment to restoring native habitats and to community education.    Pandra currently manages Beech Hollow Farms, a nursery for native plants, which works with communities and organizations to restore native greenspaces.   Beech Hollow Farm is a 120 acre native plant farm just outside Lexington, Ga.    The Farm is the culmination of a nearly decade long mission to save and propagate plants from the metro Atlanta area threatened by development and invasive species.  Pandra has also been the driving force behind EcoAddendum,  an organization whose focus has been on education and restoration of native species for pollinators, birds and, butterflies

Jeff is the Nursery Manager at Beech Hollow Farms and is in the process of getting his certificate in native plant studies at the State Botanical Garden    He previously worked at EcoAddendum in a similar position.    Jeff has been a long term gardener and has been studying ecology centered books for many years.

Lauren, in her day job, is the Youth Education Manager at Trees Atlanta.  The Youth Education program uses the Freedom Park Garden as an environmental education tool with students at May Lin Elementary School just up the hill..   Previously Lauren has also worked at EcoAddendum where she was closely involved with management and community education projects.

I'll be stepping back as Garden Coordinator immediately.    I've had that position for many years, since the first plant was put in the Garden in the spring of 2005.  The Garden was enlarged three times over the years and now has over 40 species of native plants established there.  Thanks to Al Hurt of Audubon we have an active  bluebird box on site.  There is also a bird bath for visitors to take a dip in (birds only please).

The DeKalb Master Garden Association and the Atlanta Aududbon Society helped to get the garden started.    The Master Garderner Association left a few years ago to go on to other projects. Over the years many neighborhood individuals and organizations helped to keep the garden going.   They are too numerous to name here but I can only say how grateful I've been for their help!

I feel the community is very lucky to have Pandra. Jeff and Lauren taking things over and am very grateful that they decided to do so.   I know they will bring a great deal of knowledge, enthusiasm, dedication and energy to the project.  They are committed environmentalists and have a  special interest in pollinators    I can't wait to see their vision for the Garden come into being.